Friday 13 May 2016


RADAR DEVELOPMENT PRIOR WORLD WAR  2                                                                                                       

      Although the development of a full-fledged technology did occur until world war 2 In 1903 a German engineer by the name of Hiilsmeyer experimented with the detection of radio waves reflected from ships He obtained a patent in 1904 in several countries for an obstacle detector and ship navigational device.His methods were demonstrated before the German Navy, but generated little interest. The sate of technology at that time was not sufficiently adequate to obtain ranges of more than about mile, and his detection technique was dismissed on the ground that it was little better than a visual observer .In the autumn of 1922 A.H.Taylor and L.C.Young of the Naval Research Laboratory detected  a wooden ship using a C W wave - interference radar with separated receiver and transmitter.The wavelength was 5 m.A proposal was submitted for further work but was not accepted 

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