Friday 13 May 2016


Air traffic Control (ATC)

                      Radars or employed through out the world for the purpose of safely controlling air traffic route and the vicinity of airport's. Air craft and ground vehicular traffic at large airports are monitored by means of Hi-resolution radar. Radar has been used with GCA systems to guide aircraft to a safelanding bad weather in addition, the microwave landing system and the widely use ATC radar beacome system or based in large parton radar technology.

Air Craft Navigation :
                        The weather avoidance radar used on aircraft to outline reasons of precipitation to the pilot his a classical form of radar.Radar is also used for terrain avoidance and terrain following. Although they may not always be thought of as radars,the radio altimeter and the doppler navigator are also radar. Sometimes ground-mapping radars of moderately high resolution are used for aircraft navigation purposes                                                
Ship Safety :
                  Radar is used for enhancing the safety of ship travel by warning of potential collision with other ships,and for detecting navigation buoys, especially in poor visibility. In terms of numbers, this is one of the larger application of radar, but in terms of physical size and cost it is one of the smallest. It has also proven to be one of the most reliable radarsystems.Automatic detectioandtrackingequipments  are commercially available for use with such radars for the purpose of collisionavoidance Shore-based radar of moderately high resolution is also used for the surveillance of harbors as an aid to navigation.

Space : Space vehicles have used radar for rendezvous and docking. and for landing on the moon. Some of the largest ground-based radar are for the detection and as tracking of satellites.Satellite-born radars also been used for remote sensing as mentioned below.

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